Horseback Riding and Wine Tasting in Temecula

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temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de oro

With Valentine's Day having just passed we thought it would be appropriate to reflect on one of our most favorite romantic spots in So Cal.. the beautiful land of Temecula Valley.

Known mostly for the incredible wineries and vineyards settled along its picturesque rolling hills, Temecula is also full of orange groves, rose gardens, horses, hot air ballooning and is the perfect spot for celebrations of all kinds.

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temecula, red rose, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de oro

Our first visit to Temecula was for our 2 year anniversary a couple years back. Drew surprised me with a morning of horseback riding with Wine Country Trails by Horseback, followed by a dream-worthy brunch and wine tasting at Wilson Creek - our absolute FAVORITE winery in all of California (yes, Napa included). Check out the heart on my horse, it was like a real life My Little Pony!

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temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de oro

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de oro

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de oro

We rode side-by-side through acres of vineyards, picked fresh oranges from the groves and totally enjoyed the piece of mind offered by this amazing little place.

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temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, wine country trails by horseback

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, wine country trails by horseback

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, wine country trails by horseback

After our ride, we headed on over to Wilson Creek for their jaw dropping Sunday "Bubble Brunch," complete with dragon fruit, fresh seafood of all kinds, the most incredible bread pudding ever and of course, some of their award winning Almond Champagne, yes we said ALMOND CHAMPAGNE:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, almond champagne

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, almond champagne

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temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de pro, dragon fruit, fruit platter

And that's not even the best part… everyday the founding family walks down from their home, which is just a few hundred feet away, and brings their golden retrievers, Cabernet, Tipsy and Chianti, and their little piglet, Molly Merlot, down to the winery for a visit! It's like a petting zoo.. for adults!

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temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, golden retriever

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, wine country trails by horseback

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, wine country trails by horseback

The second time we came to Wilson Creek was for my 24th Birthday and Molly Merlot, the little piglet, was dressed up for the occasion in a ruffly, pink and orange tutu with flowers on top!

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig in tutu

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig in tutu

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de pro, pig in tutu, piggy

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de pro, pig in tutu, piggy

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de pro, pig in tutu, piggy

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, monte de pro, pig in tutu, piggy

And, just this past weekend, we decided to go back to Wilson Creek for a post- Valentine's Day celebration with friends and guess who we saw? Miss Molly Merlot all grown up! It had been a little over a year since we had last visited and this little piglet definitely out grew her tutu...

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, pig

Another one of the main reasons why Wilson Creek is so special is because we always feel like a part of the family when we come to visit.

We picnic on the lawn:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, picnic

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, picnic

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, picnic

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, picnic

 We bronze in the grass:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, tanning

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, tanning

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, tanning

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, tanning

We play frisbee:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, frisbee

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, frisbee

We make wishes over fruit tarts:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, fruit tart

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, fruit tart

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, fruit tart

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, fruit tart

We practice acrobats:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

And of course most of all, we always, always enjoy the wine and the company:

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

temecula, horseback riding temecula, temecula wine tasting, best california wine tastings, wilson creek winery, birthday wish, cute couple

Refill anyone? ;)