We Won a Liebster Award!!
Wait… what does that mean?? While we were extremely stoked to have received this honor, at the same time we had no idea what it was! Thankfully, our new blogging friends over at Nerd Nomads, who nominated us, also explained what exactly this award meant.
The Liebster Award has been around for several decades now and originated in Germany, directly translated it means The “Dearest” Award. While there is no actual committee that nominates you and there is no prize associated with it (no million dollar checks or around the world tickets yet!), it acts as a kind gesture, given by bloggers to other bloggers they admire and find interesting. Pretty nice idea right!
Upon accepting/ winning the award, there are a few rules to follow, and while there are many different versions of the Liebster Award rules, we decided to follow the ones given by Maria and Espen of Nerd Nomads, the fellow adventurous couple who nominated us 🙂
Thank the blogger who gave it to you (Thank you!!!)
Answer the 11 questions they ask you.
Nominate 5 other bloggers with less than 5,000 followers.
Ask those bloggers 11 unique questions.
Let the bloggers know they’ve been nominated so they can continue the chain!
nerd nomads, travel quote, saint augustine, books, limber award, mr and mrs adventure
Though we are generally not ones to follow the rules, we are always willing to make an exception for a worthy cause. So, here it goes:
Our answers to the 11 questions from Maria and Espen:
What made you start your blog, and what makes your blog different?
We originally started our blog as a way to keep in touch with our friends and family members who are scattered across the globe – Brazil, Michigan, Florida, France, Pittsburgh, Germany – we wanted everyone to feel that they were a part of our lives no matter how far they (or we) were.
What makes our blog different is that it isn’t just a resource for those seeking adventure, it’s a true story about how 2 people can explore this incredible world, do what they love with who they love, and learn more about the definition of freedom every step of the way
do what makes you happy, mr and mrs adventure, brittany rouille, drew neumann, mount whitney, adventurous couple, best adventure blog, best travel blog
What do you most enjoy writing about?
While we spend the majority of our time writing stories and guides about our various excursions to newly discovered lands, we are really looking forward to developing our Q & A category, which will allow us to share more about the insights on life and our relationship that we gain along the way. Our most popular post to date, which was also the most fun to write, is “How are you guys always so happy?”
do what makes you happy, mr and mrs adventure, brittany rouille, drew neumann, mount whitney, adventurous couple, best adventure blog, best travel blog
What is your favorite destination, and why?
Our favorite destination is always somewhere we have never been because there is no much opportunity for growth and exploration! We also love places where we can visit old friends or family, nothing beats those kind of hugs.
mr and mrs adventure, full moon, inspiring quotes, echo mountain, brittany rouille, drew neumann
If you were to give one piece of advice to someone thinking about traveling, what would it be?
Go with an open mind and go now:
What kind of transport do you prefer when traveling?
It depends really. We love exploring intricate cities, like Paris, on foot but we also loved having a rental car in Costa Rica because we could go wherever we wanted whenever we wanted. The train is also a great option when traveling slow between countries or states, but nothing beats the plane when time is of the essence. It really all comes down to choosing the best option for the kind of adventure you are hoping for… but if we had to choose one, we would have to say by bike – we absolutely love getting to wave at the various people we pass by and there is no better way to get to know the layout of the land, plus we are always up for a good challenge! Check out our post on Biking from Paris to Versailles!
How do you promote your blog, and what works best for you?
We are still trying to find the secret formula, but for now we are mostly enjoying the grassroots kind of thing. Whenever we go out on an adventure we are always sure to bring our Mr and Mrs Adventure caribbiners along with, they are way more fun than a business card and people can take them with on all their adventures – hopefully sharing our blog with other adventurous souls they meet along the way!
carabiners, mr and mrs adventure, adventure gear
Is there any place in the world you never wish to visit?
Without experiencing the world for ourselves it’s easy to rely on cheap stereotypes to guide our thinking about certain places. Travel reminds us that we are more bound by similarities, than separated through differences. And while it’s important to read up on current travel warnings before deciding on a destination, you can bet that we will be doing twice as much research to find out if we should heed those warnings and if so, when it will be safe to return. So, to answer the question, no 🙂
mr and mrs adventure, full moon, inspiring quotes, kayaking, costa rica, drew neumann
What does traveling mean to you, how has it affected you as a person?
Oh wow. We could write an entire post about this one. Travel (V.)- to make a journey, typically of some length or abroad.
To us travel is not segmented to define a two week period each year… to us travel is a way of life. It challenges us to be open to change, it dares us to triumph when the unexpected occurs, it realigns us with what is most important in life and it encourages us to keep exploring, to keep learning and to support each other each and every day. Travel has made us very different from the majority, it has turned us into chronic adventurers and has allowed us to discover our true passion. Travel continues to fill our hearts with endless possibilities and guide us towards a life filled with the unknown. So let’s try this again:
Travel (V.)- an act of courage that urges one to leave “their box” and adventure into the unknown, allowing new people, sites, tastes and sounds to change them for the better.
wanderlust, eiffel tower, paris romantic, mr and mrs adventure, brittany rouille, drew neumann
What country has the best food in your opinion?
We absolutely love Indian, Ethiopian, Mediterranean, Japanese, Mexican and Californian cuisine… Wow, that does not narrow it down at all, haha. But again, back to the question… we haven’t been to every country yet, so this won’t be a fair assessment, but so far, we’d have to say France. I grew up going to France every summer when I was a child and every morning we would wake up to fresh “brioche” and “pain au chocolat” baked at the “patisserie” right under my great-grandmother’s apartment in Brittany, France. My grandma would heat milk over the stove and my family would start the day together at the table before walking to the outdoor markets to get fresh ingredients for the rest of the day’s meals. Last summer Drew had the chance to go to France together for the first time! I made sure he sampled all of my childhood favorites and watched as he fell in love with my heritage. La vie et belle et delicieux!
If you could choose any country in the world to live, where would it be and why?
We feel that it would be an incredible learning experience to live somewhere with such different… everything! With that being said we are intrigued with South East Asia, after that we’d have to say Australia or Chile.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Somewhere wonderful
mr and mrs adventure, open your mind, inspiring quotes, costa rica, brittany rouille, drew neumann
Now we get to nominate 5 other bloggers that we find wildly interesting and endlessly inspiring! The nominees are:
Alex in Wanderland: Alex has been traveling the world for 3 years and counting! Her site is full of awe inspiring photos and priceless wisdom on how you can live your life abroad too 🙂
Adventurous Kate: Kate quit her job in 2010 to travel Southeast Asia for six months. Six months turned into three years across more than 45 countries and there is no end in site. Check out her great posts for travel insight and inspiration!
California Through My Lens: Josh has created a great site with stunning photos and easy to follow guides for some of the best hikes in SoCal, along with insight into some of the most stunning and bizarre places as well!
K8_N_N8: Meet Kate and Nate! An adventure couple that is road tripping their way across America taking awesomely creative photos, they even have a crystal ball that captures sites in some beautiful, one of a kind ways!
Pura Vida! Eh?: Ricky and Nikki are an amazing resource for any and all of your Costa Rica adventuring needs! They have great articles and discounts on their site and are amazing at answering any questions you might have, they were a great resource for our trip to Costa Rica :)
And now, here are our 11 questions to the nominees:
What made you start your blog, and what makes your blog different?
What do you most enjoy writing about?
What is your favorite spot so far and why?
If you were to give one piece of advice to someone thinking about traveling, what would it be?
What the most interesting job you have taken on to support your travels?
How do you promote your blog, and what works best for you?
Is there any place in the world you never wish to visit?
What does traveling mean to you, how has it affected you as a person?
What’s your most memorable travel moment thus far?
If you could choose any country in the world to live, where would it be and why?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Looking forward to hearing everyone`s answers! And thank you again Nerd Nomads for nominating us :)