Going to The Price is Right Taping!

Have your pets spayed or neutered, bob barker, drew carey, the price is right, showcase showdown, get on the price is right, come on down

Have your pets spayed or neutered, bob barker, drew carey, the price is right, showcase showdown, get on the price is right, come on down

Hey all! So we went to the Price is Right taping a couple weeks back, when my mom was in town, and we really had a great time! There a couple tips that I would like to share with you (that I wish we had known about) that will help enhance your experience at The Price is Right Taping:

First, you will want to sign up for tickets in advance at On Camera Audiences, you can print them from there as well, it’s super simple. I would recommend signing up for tickets 2 weeks before the date you would like to attend, unless you are wanting attend the Halloween episode, etc, then you will want to sign up as soon as possible, they typically post sign ups 3 months before the actual taping.

Another important thing to remember is that you will want to have your TACKY gear in place! We had forgotten about this part and actually felt quite out of place in our boring, matching outfits. Whether it’s a sombrero and maracas, or a neon shirt with “I LOVE DREW CAREY” written in thick glitter glue, the louder and more creative you are, the better your chances are at getting picked to “Come on down!”

Have your pets spayed or neutered, bob barker, the price is right, showcase showdown, get on the price is right, come on down

Have your pets spayed or neutered, bob barker, the price is right, showcase showdown, get on the price is right, come on down

Now, for the day of the taping. Our tickets said to get there by 8:30am, I’ve read on blogs that people get there at 2:30am… and they do… but i promise, it is NOT necessary. We got there at 8:15am and were totally fine. There’s a Pete’s Coffee across the street (corner of Fairfax and 3rd) if you need to make a pit stop 🙂

Everyone gets a number when they arrive and enter the line, they go up to 300. This number does not effect your seating in the studio audience.

Along with your fabulously tacky get up, you must bring every ounce of your personality with you, if you are interested in getting picked that is. There is no need to hold anything back on this day, it will all pay off in the form of a spot on that bright, sparkly stage 🙂

Bring food/snacks. You will be in line for 4 hours (they let us in the studio at 12:30pm). There is a Trader Joe’s across the street, they open at 8am, just in time for you to grab one of their pre-made wraps or something else yummy (dark chocolate covered pretzel thins!). They have a snack cart, but if I remember correctly, a bottle of pop was $4.. yea.

They seat you randomly once you enter the studio, some people go left, some people go right, some people (the really tacky ones) get sent right up to the front. Whatever you do, do NOT get the seats behind the announcer. You can’t see a thing! The taping lasts about 1 hour, 1 and a half at most. There were very few re-takes. Oh, and they take your phones and cameras when you go into the studio, mental pictures only 🙂

Bonus!: They will allow you to stick around for the taping for the 2nd show if you would like. That means you would be there until 5:30 by the end of it all. They do say that your chances of being called to “come on down” are much higher if you stick around for that 2nd show…

As always, remember to have a great time! I can remember watching that show as a kid and absolutely loving it. The studio was just as loud and bright as I imaged it would be, a little bit smaller than I thought, but going to the Price is Right taping was a great experience that I would certainly do again.

If you end up going, I would love to hear how it went. And definitely let me know if my tips helps you get to the Showcase Showdown!!

Have your pets spayed or neutered, bob barker, drew carey, the price is right, showcase showdown, get on the price is right, come on down

Have your pets spayed or neutered, bob barker, drew carey, the price is right, showcase showdown, get on the price is right, come on down