Everyone needs an Adventure Closet!
closet, adventure, adventuer closet, organize closet, closet organizer, outdoor gear
Purpose: to hold the equipment for your epic adventures
Where: this can be a closet, spare room, attic, cubby, nook or cranny.Tips:
Get organizers! Hanging shelves, bins, boxes, hooks, hangers and containers - maximizing your space is key!
Put heavy things on bottom.
Pick a side for tall items.
Equipment that is rarely used can go in the back or in hard to reach places (along with the vacuum).
Make sure to never store muddy or wet gear, always make sure each piece is clean to prevent mold, bugs and the start of stinky smells.
You can always keep large boards, coolers, paddles and bikes outside of the adventure closet. These items give your place character.
-Get creative and turn your cooler into a shelf or bin.
Have fun with your adventure closet and be kind to your gear because you want it to last and make sure it treats you nicely when you’re in action.
PS- Show everyone who comes to your place how cool it is to have an adventure closet! Each one is unique to its owners, holding some of the most important gear for some of your most incredible memories, past, present and future!