Terrifically real, sometimes vulnerable, strong and wildly blessed: What happens when you persevere.
We can remember countless times, in various situations, asking ourselves, “How are we going to do this?” With both literal and figurative mountains to climb, trails to blaze, distances to go and uncharted territories to explore, there is no doubt that life is beautiful, but it generally tends to come with some pretty dense wilderness to push through before we can let out that sigh of relief and sit back to enjoy the view:
Let’s start with TERRIFICALLY REAL.
There is nothing like being covered in sweat with no showers in sight for days, tired, hungry and submerged in the unknown to introduce you to who you really are. It’s times like these when we learn how to re-act from a terrifically real place, using our souls as our compass. Through the struggle, the uphill battles, the leaps of faith, by accepting our circumstances and carrying on, our souls receive the greatest benefit of all, the chance to grow (and take us along with).
travel tips morocco, vanlife morocco 3 months
Photo below: Drew and I taking cover from the rain after spending the night spelunking and sharing a sleeping bag in a very cold and muddy Worley’s Cave. We look like pretty happy campers to me!
Next up we have, SOMETIMES VULNERABLE. We know we’ve all been there to one extent or another, and it’s definitely not one of the most comfortables place to be.
Exhibit A: Bungee Jumping off of the Bridge to Nowhere. OMG… thinking about this still makes my hands sweat. We all have different things that we put into our, “Oh that’s just not for me” box… for me, bungee jumping was one of them… until I agreed to do it… twice… in a row! It’s easier to say, “No” when we’ve already created a limitation for ourselves, but this is something that Drew and I try to never give in to, hence the reason why I agreed to bungee, x 2! You see that face? It says, “I’m not moving. Yep, can’t move. Definitely not jumping backwards off this ledge!!”
bungee america, bungee jumping, bridge to nowhere, mr and mrs adventure, facing your fears, bungee jumping california, brittany rouille
And then, after Drew pulled out the “You’re Mrs. Adventure” card, I jumped… SHEER TERROR!:
And then I realized that all of my limbs were still attached and I had done it… IT WAS DONE (pure bliss below)! I allowed others witness my vulnerable state (tears and all) and in the end it was because of their uplifting energy that I was able to muster up the courage to overcome. Being vulnerable is extremely difficult, yes, but it can also be one of the most powerful tools for helping us push beyond our “limits.”
Part of having a full life requires us to open up our boxes and air out those things we think we just can’t do… it’s important to embrace vulnerability and allow life to take over and uplift us.
STRONG (adj.): having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks; able to withstand great force or pressure.
Without consistently pushing ourselves to stick to our goals and thrive in new and challenging places, we would never be able to gain the stamina and strength that is required for us to experience the adventures that our hearts find so vital!
To be honest, we don’t always feel super strong, but what’s important is that everyday we work with what we’ve got and slowly but surely our strength always returns. It’s habits like these that make us… and YOU strong, flexible and unstoppable.
Now we’ve made it to the best part, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Prepare to be WILDLY BLESSED.
Beyond the obvious – the sense of gratitude and accomplishment, the incredible shift in perspective and the gift of experience added to life – when we persevere, we release energy into the atmosphere that says, “Yes I can and yes I will!” This alone sets the pace for all future endeavors and attracts those events/people/opportunities in life that will continue to bless you beyond your wildest dreams. The photo below was our first sunrise together AND my first camping trip of life! This was also the trip where we started to fall in love (read a little about us here):
They say that there is no risk without reward, and we have found that the most challenging experiences, always end up blessing our lives in some everlastingly profound sort of way.
Whether it’s a relationship, a trek, a calling or an obstacle in life, we ALL have what we need to persevere, we just have to believe it to see it… and that, my friends, is how you find the path to being WILDLY BLESSED every step of the way.
This marvelous little post (from 2013) was slightly updated in August 2018. To see how living true to these principles for the past 4 years has effected our lives, enjoy the video below: